Friday, July 27, 2012

East Branch Beauty

I managed to pick up this pretty looking brown in the east branch today.  It had really amazing colors, it could even be a native brown.  I caught him using a streamer.  The first time he hit, I did not set the fly right, i left the streamer there and he hit it again! I managed to pick up another brown on a size 18 adams. He turned down 5 dry fly patterns before i picked the right one.  Pretty nice battle with this guy, jumped clear out of the water.  It is such a great feeling landing a brown on a dry fly. 


  1. Hey John, its Brooklynite aka Joel aka deadbait. That is a gorgeous fish, I've noticed some beautiful red dots on the smaller wild browns lately. Glad you launched the blog, that way I can keep an eye on my favorite water after I move to DC.

  2. That is a huge bummer that you are moving to DC joel! I always looked forward to your stream reports.
