Tuesday, September 25, 2012

East branch

Was really a trout circus out there. Landed some nice rainbows and browns. I had something on, def was a trout because of the profile. But it broke off. Took a small black hares nymph, was a nice fatty! Everything worked today, streamers, nymphs and dries. Lots of pics from today's madness


  1. Great looking Pic's John
    My Favorite is the top one with the rainbow and the tippet shot. looks like he is going for a dog walk. Good Job. I can't wait to go out again.

  2. lol, trout walking time! Good luck out there manny, hopefully one of these days we can hit the stream together.

  3. Great fish!
    Ive never really had much luck on the east branch with nymphs and streamers.
    I'm especially interested in streamers and was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to get some action EB style!

    1. Streamers are my favorite. Just cast down stream and strip the line back, you will see trout chase the streamers or checking it out. They love those buggers!

    2. Ok thanks.
      Do you fish them in PH?

    3. I don't really fish that spot. Seems to always be busy. So I skip it .

    4. whats ur favorite method to use on those plunge pools below? I feel like they should hold fish but Ive never had any luck.

    5. If i was to fish PH, i would go in there with full sinking fly line and cast big streamers. PH always seems to have someone fishing it so i never get any time to spend fishing it. I have fished it a handful of times and never landed any trout.

  4. Ok Thanks.
    do you know the plunge pools i am talking about?
    They are located below PH.
    Have you had luck fishing them?
