Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall browns are here!

All local stream browns from the east branch croton river


  1. Good job on the water today John. Those fall colors are really showing on the browns.

  2. Hey John,
    great looking browns! Was thinking of heading up to Croton Falls tomorrow to hit the river there.

    1. Hey jay,

      Thanks dude. Just a heads up to save you time. Croton falls outlet closed on 9/30. Your best bet would be to hit East branch croton river, the sodom section is open all year, the lower sections close 10/15 for the season! Good luck out there

  3. Ah! I remembered something about certain sections closing. I was wondering about that... Thanks man! Great blog, too, BTW.

  4. Since the diverting outlet closes on the 15th, i would hit that since it is right next to croton falls if that is the area you would like to fish!

  5. Are you a westchester fishing forum member?

  6. No, I'm not, but will be soon! Live in Brooklyn, so it is anything I can access by metro north, etc., as I don't have a car.

  7. Def hit diverting outlet, take the train to the croton falls station and the stream is right behind the station. Walk to the bridge and enter the stream there.

    If you follow that stream all the way up you will hit diverting reservoir then you start to hit the east branch sodom sections if you go up further.

    Def can walk this though, i usually park in that croton falls train station and walk the stream from there.

    Diverting doesnt have many trout, but when you do connect, it usually is a decent one!

  8. Thanks a bunch! I have done that walk before, not too bad. I mean, it isn't the hike down into the Neversink...
