Friday, November 9, 2012

Fall on the East Branch

Hello anglers,

I hit the eb for 2.5 hours, had 6 hits. Landed 3 out of the 6!  Out of the 3 that got off, 2 were rainbows and the last one was a pig brown, might have went over 18 inches to be honest. This thing was a fatty. I dunno what happened, it felt like a good hook set. Hook just pulled out. I got a good look at it though, it was a nice one! I was going to releasing to anyways so no biggie.

I did land 3 good looking browns. They hit either a bugger or a nymph. The colors were great on these guys.

 Enjoy the pics!

 Insane colors on this little guy!


What a great catch, very nice brown.  Landed him on a size 14 nymph using 6x tippet.  Great fight landing this brown!

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