Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Blast from the past-My pride and joy

On 9/24/11

I caught this 21" brown on a fly today.  It hit a size 6 halloween streamer on 3x tippet. What a catch and fight.  I barely got it to the net in time, the fly was just about played out by the time i reeled it in.  It was a good 5 minute fight with this beauty.  I landed it and managed to get a picture of it. I released it as  good as new. It was caught lower east branch river.  


  1. Wow thats huge for the EB!!!
    Did u get that in PH?

    1. Thanks, this brown was a beast. Spawner that came in to the EB. I don't fish PH often. I caught this guy in the lower EB on a streamer.

    2. Wow I didn't know there were any spots deep enough below PH to hold that type of fish!!!
      I usually do Bathtub on down to PH.

  2. The entire stream is good. I like the bathtub but those spots get hit hard. I rarely fish PH.

    1. but you enter at sodom even tho u dont fish it?

    2. I enter at sodom, i usually always skip over PH, never had luck there. Only hooked a few carp in PH and that is it.

    3. So you hit up the area between PH and Brady's Bend?
      The reason I ask is because I'm very curious about experimenting below the bathtub to PH segment of river. I would really appreciate some of your insight.
